
Showing posts from April, 2022

Should I Start a Business to Tackle the Raised Mortgages? – Andrew Baxter

Raised mortgages are a very real pain for a lot of Australian households. As most people may not be able to ask for a pay raise at their current jobs to cover the costs, the option that remains is to add new streams of income to what they are already doing. One such thing may be to start a business, and in this week’s MONEY AND INVESTING show Andrew Baxter talks about the pros and cons you might want to consider with this option.

The 2022 Commodity Super Cycle - Andrew Baxter

    The 2022 Commodity Super Cycle For the first time in a long-time, commodities have actually outperformed equity prices in 2021. In what is a rampant inflationary environment, commodity prices could be set to benefit further this year as we head into a potential ‘super cycle’. Here’s why: Commodity Prices are Soaring It comes as no surprise when we say that commodity prices have actually performed better than equity prices when you run through some examples. Commodity prices are soaring – lithium is up over 171% YoY, coal nearly 170% YoY and natural gas over 50% in the last 12 months also. As one of the contributing factors to inflation, and also an asset class that typically benefits from inflation, host Andrew Baxter says we could be heading into another super cycle for the commodities. Below we explore some reasons as to why and also how you might like to get some exposure to this. Real Returns and Inflation If we take a look through the le...

First Steps to Asking for a Payrise - Andrew Baxter

Have you ever wondered how to go about bringing up the question of wanting a pay rise to your boss? Should you test out the waters and casually mention it in passing first, or is it better to be more direct and formal about it? These are some of the questions Andrew Baxter answers in this week's MONEY AND INVESTING show, that is focused on how to get a pay rise from your boss.

Will the sanctions on Russia affect oil prices? - Andrew Baxter

As Andrew Baxter continues to discuss the geopolitical contagion in this week's MONEY AND INVESTING show, one of the questions he’s answering is how or if the sanctions currently put in place on Russia will affect the oil prices. The oil industry and it’s rising prices is a topic we’ve already discussed on the podcast a few times this year, but with the added geopolitical tension it’s worth revisiting to understand how the current conflict between Ukraine & Russia may be affecting the oil prices moving forward.