Part 1 of our Market Outlook Review and Forecast for 2023
Economic Outlook Analysis As traders we are always looking into the future for opportunities we might be able to find. Join us this week as we dive into some analysis on the market and what we may see in 2023. Inflation and Interest Rates Inflation and interest rates have been the talk of the town for all of 2022 and will likely remain relevant in 2023. Massive government stimulus seen around the world throughout the pandemic. For the first time in 40 years we saw some extreme inflation accompanied by some serious interest rate increases. The rising cost of living, exacerbated with steep inflation has combined with the challenges of paying off loans at higher rates and we are now starting to see some cracks appear. Host Andrew Baxter notes that most people hear about inflation and assume it is merely economic jargon however it is noticeable at these levels and everything becomes that little bit more expensive with such high inflation. Inflation ...