The Australian Stock market is at 5 year highs – and I am soul searching!

 For more than a year now, we have been talking up the notion of getting your money working in the Australian and US stock markets, using our number one cash-flow strategy.

In this time , our trading floor has provided countless trade examples, released hundreds of investment reports, made multiple trade recommendations and provided over 120 hours of interactive training for our clients. We’ve also been able to help every day Australians, the action takers to, get up and running successfully in the market.

However, even with as much as we’ve done, we haven’t done enough because some readers of this report have yet to get started. Some have been too busy, others not confident about the market and others, have elected to stay in the “safety” of cash.

Market Steam Ahead To New Highs

As such, I have done some soul searching over the past few days, and I remembered a conversation I had with a complete stranger just over a week ago…

I was sitting next to a very interesting lady, on the plane. A mega-smart Doctor, who runs a drug approval consulting firm, that helps Biotech companies get FDA and similar approval. I am talking MEGA intelligent – Scientist/Lobbyist/R&D expert, and thoroughly charming too! This all made for some interesting conversation and she asked me about the “this whole stock market thing – you know – its probably too high now to get in, isn’t it? Buy low, sell high and so on”

Before answering, I really took my time to think about the question – after all, it was a long flight!

My response was “no, not really – the reason it is going up is because there is a wave of money pouring in. Fuelling things, pushing prices higher and making it “seem” too late to get your slice of the action. In fact, it is more a question of forgetting about buying low, sell high – that train left a while back – instead, buy high and sell higher!” This she mulled for a few minutes and then gave me the best gift possible, which I can now pass on to you.

No, its not a tip on which Biotech stock is about to get a welcome boost from the Regulator. Instead it was more along the lines of “that actually sounds sensible – how do I do that?”

How do I do that?

The balance of our flight was spent in lively discussion on that very matter and based on my notes from that conversation, a new live event called “One Day Wealth” was born.

Every question she asked was a smart one – probably the kinds of things you may be curious about.

If my responses were not clear enough, she challenged them further, enabling me to put more meat on the bone and really get the point across in a clear way.

The fact that she was busy meant that all the information needed to get going needed to be communicated quickly ie not over two or three days.

Finally, it needed to be in plain English – no jargon, no hyperbole and certainly no hype – just give me the facts, tell me why they are important and then help me take action and get in the market.

This will be a live one day event, with yours truly running through the exact game plan for trading today and today’s markets – where the current opportunities are and how you can safely get on them, and unlock your own cash flow stream.

Trust me – it will be great and that is on the Doctor’s orders!

CLICK HERE to see more information on the event and to secure your spot.


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